If you have the time to learn and perfect skills for interviewing, recording and audio and video editing, I encourage you to do so. It's very interesting work! If you want to get it done right, the first time, let me help.
It really is important not to wait - while you procrastinate, memories fade, lives end, and stories are lost forever.
Your prices seem high - why does it cost so much?
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I do this myself and save some money?
Yes! If you don't use my services or those of another professional, then I hope you do it on your own. Your stories, or the stories of your family members are too important to lose.
However, here is why you should consider using my services:
Acquiring the skills, processes and equipment to create high quality productions takes considerable time and effort. I have invested tens of thousands of dollars in recording, editing and production equipment and software. I've spent countless hours gaining proficiency with the equipment and process. I think you'll agree that my work is much better than what you'll get from a simple handheld recorder and basic editing.
A skilled interviewer who is not a close friend or family member is also a critical element in obtaining good stories that future generations will appreciate and understand.
For example, if you are interviewing your mother or grandmother, and she makes reference to "crazy Aunt Edna", both of you know what is meant because you know Aunt Edna, and there is no reason to explain. However, a listener 10 or 20 years from now will have no idea what "crazy" means.
When I have the conversation with your mother or grandmother, they will naturally be compelled to explain why Aunt Edna is "crazy." Among other roles, I am a stand-in for the future listener. So do yourself, future generations, and Aunt Edna a favor! Make sure we know she's crazy in a good way.
This is my grandfather. He served in WWI. Below is a page from the notebook he carried with him to war. It's a poem he wrote that reveals some of the horrors of trench warfare that he experienced.
To have his recorded voice reading this would be incredibly valuable to our family. It could have been done in the early 1970's, but it wasn't.